Marc has coached many different sports and brings amazing attention to detail when it comes to form, fundamentals and cross-training. He was John Nicastro’s Gloucester High School Softball Assistant Coach from 2015-2021. During that time the GHS softball team had the most dominant stretch of success ever accomplished.

Here’s what Marc said when asked about his approach to coaching:

We have to teach athletes how to utilize correct form and body mechanics in every area of the game. At the beginner levels a player may produce results because of size and brut force but that won’t translate at higher levels of competition. To elevate each player’s game to an elite level, they MUST practice and execute correct form and body mechanics along with learning advanced strategies of the game. They may have to sacrifice success for a short period until they master the form but we would rather see less impressive results with proper form because we know it will pay dividends in the long run.

Marc took his position as Assistant Coach very seriously while at the Gloucester High School softball program. He committed thousands of hours to the players and program. He wanted to see each and every one of them reach their full potential in life, academics and athletics. Any time a player would ask for extra reps he would be there. He knows how to get the best out of each player, he is very approachable and is a great asset to Legends Softball.